
Oil on Canvas – Pallet Knife

Her strokes of the palette knife are bold and clean revealing pure, crisp color. The works have delighted collectors since her first one-women show at the prestigious De Young Museum.

In the Galleries | November 2016 | Renee Theobald | from the private collection | Nolan-Rankin Galleries - Houston

Dear Clients and Friends,

Many of you share wonderful memories of the exhibitions of Madame Renée Théobald, as I do. It was a long and happy journey.
When we gave the retrospective shortly after her passing, I never dreamed we would have the opportunity to present her private collection. 

These are special works over several decades and many are the original from which lithographs were developed. Many of the paintings graced her home and I am very honored that the family has chosen the gallery for this personal exhibition.

                           Joe Nolan

Available Paintings

Renée Théobald

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Paris 1926 -2014

Sorbonne and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris

Through the years, Renée Théobald has developed a style which is uniquely personal. Her paintings reveal the confidence of stroke only of years of evolution, from hard work and study, can produce. Although the paintings are masterfully constructed, they are void of rigidity. The spontaneity with which she paints and her rich and varied palette, produce not only the image of the subject but its very essence. Renée’s joy of living, with a deep inner serenity has become an intricate part of each canvas. She is extremely well traveled which adds to her vast array of subjects. The viewer is always aware of her sensitivity to her surroundings and her ability to express her insights. Her art is a true reflection of the woman herself.

Renée Théobald | Nolan-Rankin Galleries | Houston, TX

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”GROUP SHOWS and SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS” tab_id=”1566046846820-648c7d1a-6e22″][vc_column_text] Young Painters Show, Catalog 1954-55-58  Museum of Modern Art: Selection of the Pacement Prize  “The Painters Witness their Time “, Galleria Museum, Paris, 1967  Europe Belt Group in Frankfurt, Germany  ” The French Artist “Montreal, Quebec  Tapestry Design: Chartres 1971  Guilhall Art Gallery, London 1972  ” Painters Witnessing Their Time “Japan 1973, 1974  First exhibition of French Art at the Museum of Fine Art of Kuwait, 1975  First Contemporary Art Exhibition in USSR – Moscow, Pushkin  Museum, November 1975  Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, December 1975 Museum of Seals: Grand Prize of the Ile de France  Museum Cantini: Grand Prize of the City of Marseille  Selection of French Painters Invited to exhibit in China; Beijing and Shanghai 1994  “Five French Painters” Newman-Saunders Gallery, Philadelphia 1998  ” School of Paris – 50 Years” University Museum, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, August – October 1998[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”SALONS” tab_id=”1566047144537-398633ed-60cf”][vc_column_text]Salon d’Automne  Salon of the Natonal Society of Fine Arts  Salon des Independants  Salon de Courbevoie, 1979  Salon de la Marine; Museum of the Marine, Trocadero Palace  Comparisons  Latin Lands.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”MUSEUMS and COLLECTIONS” tab_id=”1566047221128-81115cec-7af7″][vc_column_text]City of Paris (3 paintings)  City of London  Candle (Algeria)  Saint-Maur (France)  Ovar (Portugal)  Museum of San Francisco[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS” tab_id=”1566048114006-49972923-4cc9″][vc_column_text]1951 Paris- Galerie Cardo Matignon  1952-1954-1956 Paris, Metz, Strasbourg, Lille, Mons  1962 Paris, Brussels  1963 From Young Museum, San Francisco, CA  1964 New York  1965 Brussels, New York, Dallas, Washington  1968 New York  1969 Brussels, Dallas, Washington  1970 Palm Beach, Houston  1971 Brussels, San Francisco  1972 Washington, DC Dallas  1973 New York, Paris, Brussels  1975 Helsinki, Dallas, Brussels  1976 Stockholm  1977 Brussels  1978 Stockholm, Dallas  1979 Brussels  1980 Palm Beach, Stockholm  1981 Dallas, Tokyo 1982 Palm Beach, Stockholm  1983 Houston (Phillips-Flynt Galleries)  1984 Palm Beach  1985 Dallas  1986 Tokyo  1987 Houston  1990 Palm Beach  1983-1998 Houston, Palm Beach, Tokyo, Dallas  1993 First Houston Exhibition under Nolan-Rankin Galleries 2004 Nolan-Rankin Galleries – Houston  [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”AWARDS” tab_id=”1566048411094-7af37062-e77e”][vc_column_text]Art Scholarship – City of Paris 1956  First Prize for Landscape, Deauville International Competition 1953  First Prize for Composition, Cannes International Competition 1957  First Prize of the Society of Lovers of Art and Collectors 1962  Vermeil Medal Arts Sciences Letters  SILVER medal of the Grand Prix of the City of Tours  SILVER medal, French Artists Salon 1984  Medal in Châlons -sur-Marne[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]